Learn proper technique

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Developing proper technique is critical in drumming (and in life). Working with an accomplished instructor is the fastest way to achieve competency and excellence. At Drum Lessons Miami, you’ll learn the Buddy Rich/Henry Adler technique, one of the world’s most advanced drum methods. Renowned New York drum instructor Henry Adler developed his system in the 1940s after studying great drummers and percussionists extensively.

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Learn to read & write music

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Learning to read and write music is a critical skill for musicians, and drummers are no exception. At Drum Lessons Miami, you'll learn to understand the language of music and rhythm. You'll learn to read music, write music and sight read drum charts. This knowledge will increase your appreciation of music. You'll understand your favorite songs in deeper ways. It will also increase your marketability, as you will be able to play in different styles.

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Learn drumset grooves

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After developing proper hand technique, students can – and should -- begin learning musical styles or drumset “grooves.” At Drum Lessons Miami, you'll learn classic drumset styles such as rock, pop, funk, jazz and reggae, as well as rich afro-Cuban and afro-Brazilian rhythms. Well-rounded drummers learn numerous world grooves and are able to blend these styles together in creative and enjoyable ways. The musical possibilities become endless.

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Develop Ambidexterity and Coordination

"Improving your drumming technique is like embarking on a mission to rescue a Sleeping Giant within you. If you’re a Rightie — and that’s roughly 90 percent of the population — your Sleeping Giant is your left hand. If you’re a Leftie, your right hand is your Sleeping Giant. Your immediate mission is to overcome handedness and become ambidextrous. Your ultimate mission is to become a multi-limbed rhythmic magician." - Bill Gato, Founder, Drum Lessons Miami

Learn Buddy Rich Secrets